About 7 retirement depression beaters!

About Us

Looking forward to that time in your life when you do not have to wake up with an alarm clock each day?


I was born in South Africa and emigrated to the UK in 1999. I have worked in many different work places learning new things as I go. My husband has been retired for 6 years and I am nearing my retirement date.

My Partner Retired Before Me

This blog has been started to help those whose partners  have retired before them. It is to inspire couples to work together to find a new path they can travel along together.

  • Gone was the routine you had of many years.
  • Missing the responsibilities of a job.
  • No one around to chat and exchange ideas with.
  • Partner goes off to work, leaving a quiet empty home.

Welcome to a long retirement which can be life changing. We have many interests and hobbies which never took hold due to always being at work. Retirement looked to be a good time to pursue those hobbies which were on the back burner. Instead it turned into a lonely, un ordered time with one day merging into the other. This resulted in a bout of depression which wasn’t what I thought retirement was about.

Depressed after retirement?

Below is what we did to start finding a new routine, which worked for us. I will say that it takes time, planning and a lot of supporting each other to find a happy, healthy lifestyle.

7 Retirement Depression Beaters

  • Make a list of all the things you would like to do.
  • Have a daily routine in place to help you focus on the day.
  • Look at pursuing your hobbies.
  • Join a club of sorts that fit in with your interests.
  • Volunteer at your local group to help others.
  • Take time out and discover new places.
  • Visit friends and family and meet similar people

Enjoy Your Retirement!

I have chosen to learn some new skills and brush up on my old ones. Retirement hobbies are great for keeping your brain, hands and body healthy. Learning to do something new is a challenge, it takes time, you make mistakes and often start again. The achievement of completing a new project is wonderful. Relax doing something which just recharges you. I hope to inspire, entertain and share what I learn along the way.

Exploring together