Drop Spinning whorls – a real eye opener.

Drop spinning Whorls and spinning wheels


Join me, start your journey into drop spinning. I am going to be putting up a few blogs discussing my progress into drop spinning and making a spinning wheel.

Last year my husband asked me what I would like for my birthday. As you all know when you reach an older age, presents of something you don’t already have can be hard to find. Luckily I had been following a lovely USA ladies blog on drop spinning, spinning, and weaving. You can watch her videos here

I asked for a drop spindle and some fibre to give the drop spinning a try. Being a very handy man in the workshop he set about researching the designs and weights and made me a handful of different ones. He used wood from our trees in the garden which he had cut and dried. I was really very happy when he gave me them as well as some coloured fibre from our local sewing shop to start my drop spinning journey. I am going to be putting up a few blogs discussing my journey and progress into spinning so please subscribe to the news letter and keep checking back.

We have whorls in our shop, please take a look.

This is a very addictive past time

  • It is relaxing – take care not to drop spin for hours as your hands will feel sore the next day short bursts work best for me.
  • I have learnt a lot by buying different fibre in 100 gram  packets to try. I love elpaca it is leading my favourite list.
  • Sheep become an interesting topic, learning about fleece, staple length and all the other words which go with spinning is exciting. I don’t look at sheep in the same way any more and when out walking pick up fluffy fleece bits on fences to bring home and spin.
  • Plying is very satisfying using the yarn to knit something an easy hat with you very own yarn feels amazing.
  • Learning takes time, this is perfect for a retirement hobby as we have time on our hands, so enjoy  the process and learn, create and explore this new world of spinning.

What is a drop spinning whorl?

A drop spinning whorl has a shaft to wrap the yard around and a weight to enable it to spin and twist the fibres. It is used to spin fleece of any kind into knitting yarn by twisting the fleece fibres to form a strong string. All yarn on the spindle is considered 1 ply, by twisting 2 yarns together in the opposite direction to which the were original wound you can ply then into 2 ply yarn. There is strength in the ply as well as thickness.

Do I need a special whorl for drop spinning at home?

  • A top spinning whorl is weighted at the top of the shaft. It is ideal for beginners.
  • The bottom spinning whorl is weighted at the bottom of the shaft. It is more suited to those who have the knack at spinning with a whorl.
  • For plying you need a slightly heavier whorl with a longer shaft to take the yarn.

2 Good places to purchase fibre / fleece in the UK

  1. I use the World of Wool website to buy my fibre. They have a good selection of natural fibres as well as some which have been dyed in awesome colours to suit everyone. This company sells starter packs as well as individual whorls.
  2. The Fibre Hut is another of my firm favorites. The blog is very interesting and there is a download to show you how to drop spin.


Drop Spinning Whorls Drop spinning whorls Drop spinning whorls