
Sensational Dahlias planted in pots

Growing sensational Dahlias can add vibrant colours to your garden. I is a fantastic plant for cut flowers. Read on for a comprehensive guide on choosing the best dahlias, growing them successfully, and storing them over the winter.

How to go about choosing sensational Dahlias

The different types of Dahlias present us with a huge choice. I know when I see them on the racks for sale, I want them all. Choose wisely, consider the height of  the plant to your garden size,  colour preference and shape type. It is a lot of fun.

single dahlia  pompom sensational dahlia  multi petal sensational dahlia sensational dahlia sensational dahlia

Single-Flowered Dahlias

Characteristics: Simple, single-layer petals, often with a daisy-like appearance.

Best For: Informal gardens and naturalistic settings.

Examples: ‘Bishop of Llandaff’, ‘Karma Choc’

Decorative Dahlias

Characteristics: Large blooms with full, rounded petals.

Best For: Formal gardens and floral arrangements.

Examples: ‘Cafe au Lait’, ‘Chat Noir’

Cactus Dahlias

Characteristics: Petals are pointed and spiky, resembling a cactus.

Best For: Unique garden displays and striking visual impact.

Examples: ‘Crazy Love’, ‘Twyning’s After Eight’

Ball Dahlias

Characteristics: Spherical flowers with tightly packed petals.

Best For: Garden borders and floral arrangements.

Examples: ‘Noni’, ‘Figaro’

Pompon Dahlias

Characteristics: Small, spherical flowers with compact petals.

Best For: Smaller garden spaces and container planting.

Examples: ‘Peach Pompon’, ‘Pomponette’

Novelty Dahlias

Characteristics: Unusual shapes, colors, and patterns.

Best For: Adding interest and variety to your garden.

Examples: ‘Dahlia ‘Happy Single’, ‘Small World’

How to plant your dahlias in tubs.

Choose your pots carefully. Planting in pots allows one to keep them in the pots over Winter if you put the pots into a clear dustbin bag and secure it. In the Springtime you un wrap them and check and feed them. If you plant them in the pots before late Spring, store the pots in protected space as they don’t like frost.

TIPS: Sensational Dahlias like to be moist, not soaking wet and not bone dry. Choose pots to suit. Black pots absorb the sun and are perfect for colder places. Choose lighter coloured pots for hot areas, I have when living in South Africa, covered my pots with tin foil to reflect the heat. This prevented them from drying out quickly.

  1. Start by choosing a suitable pot. I use 20L black pots which have good open drainage.
  2. Fill the pot about three quarters, with a mix of compost and bonemeal.
  3. Set a tuber into the hole with the growing points, or “eyes,” facing up.
  4. Don’t break or cut individual dahlia tubers (as you would with potatoes).
  5. Cover the tuber with compost but don’t cover the dahlia stem “eyes”.
  6. When the stem grows, add a bit of compost.

TOP TIP:  Don’t water the tuber straight away, give it a day or two and then water lightly so soil is moist not soaking. Start watering when it starts to put on shoots.


20 litre tub for dahlias       dahlia bulb  

 What climate do Dahlias like?

To grow sensational Dahlias they need a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight per day. The more sun they get, the better they bloom, so it’s best to place your dahlia pots  in the sunniest location possible. I usually put the pots of Dahlias out in spots that have finished flowering in my garden. I have pots of bulbs which flower early in the year which I switch out with my Sensational Dahlia pots.

sensational dahlias   sensational dahlias

How to care for Dahlias that are planted in pots.

For me, I need to use slug and snail in my pots. I choose an animal friendly one which will be used only until my plants are mature. I have had so many snails eat all the shoots and young leaves that I feel I need to keep them at bay. I have also tried to use broken egg shells as well as stones with angle edges. This only worked for pots standing on their own. The other pots were all attacked through the slugs and snails falling onto them from surrounding plants.

  1. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water during dry spells, especially during hot weather.
  2. Use a balanced, slow-release fertilizer  and feed mid flowering season. I use chicken manure pellets but there are a lot of other fertilizers about.
  3. Tall sensational dahlia plants will need staking to prevent them from falling over. Use bamboo stakes or similar supports. Large flowers will also need to be cut or supported after rain as they get very heavy and bend over, often snapping the stem.
  4. Pinch back the tips of the stems to encourage bushier growth and more blooms. Remove dead flower heads to promote continuous blooming.
  5. Watch for aphids, spider mites, and slugs. Treat with appropriate insecticides or natural remedies.
  6. Be mindful of powdery mildew and tuber rot. I let the pots dry out after the season and before I wrap them for Winter.

Different ways to support your Dahlias.

Dahlias have hollow stems that are susceptible to breaking in rain and wind. If you are growing dahlias that will be more than 3 feet tall, you’ll need to provide support to keep the stems from breaking.

  1. I use bamboo stakes which are about 5 ft long.  Avoid damaging the plant or tubers when you place the stake. Use soft string or plant ties to tie the stem gently to the stake.
  2. Using bamboo stakes to make a “cage” is a good way to contain long stems. Place the stakes straight around the pot edge and use string or wire to make a cage around the plant.

dahlia cut flower  dahlia cut flower  dahlia cut flower   dahlia cut flower

What happens when the dahlia has finished flowering?

Many gardeners think sensational dahlias as annuals. When the flowering season is over, you add them to your compost pile. If you want to save your dahlia tubers for the next growing season, here’s how I do it:

  1.  Ensure all pots are labelled, I have plastic document wallets in which I place a label with height, name and colour on.  They all look alike when there is no flower.
  2.  Cut the stems back to within a hands height off the ground. Wait a week or two to give the tubers time to start entering dormancy.
  3. Keep the pots in a dry spot so the soil can also dry out before wrapping.
  4. I keep mine in a dry spot until the stem is dry and wilted. I then cut it back again to about 5cm above the soil.
  5. If the pot is light to pick up, it has dried out enough to wrap.
  6. I use clingfilm to wrap the pot completely. A clear dustbin bag also works but you need to seal the whole tub in it and ensure the top of the pot is tightly stretched across. This stops the wet and cold from contact with the tuber.
  7. Store your pots out of the way but it can be out of doors.
  8. Un wrap and check, feed and monitor in late Spring.

Problems I have had with this method:  Cats…. they love to sleep in the sensational dahlias wrapped pots. : ) 

Why not treat yourself or a fellow gardener to a yearly garden planner journal. You can start your planning any time of the year. Plan what needs to be done and to record events like weather, disease, improvements, how well plants did or did not do. It can be used year after year as the gardening calendar does not change much from year to year.

Buy your Planner here.

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Enjoy sensation dahlias as cut flowers in your home. Give a bunch away to friends and family. Spread the rewards of sensational dahlias.